[Amps] Sourcing QRO components

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 13 14:00:11 EST 2008

I was wondering if many/any of the folks on this reflector have affiliations
with  professional broadcast....as in SBE or other organizations.    It seems that some (many) components of  ham QRO construction are (always have been) hard to com by, or to BUY.

Over the years, I have met broadcast station engineers, shared coffee, and chats, and viewed 
the awesome TX  ( a good one was  the old 50KW Continental transmitter and antennas at WSM in Tennessee). And I recall that there were a lot of similar circumstances at transmitter sites..
There is often a graveyard, or shack at the broadcast site,  somewhere, that has a number of old transmitters, exciters, and other TX site "junk" that has been decommissioned, or as spares...

It was also interesting to see the size and weight of the B+ supply transformers, for stations
or exciters in the 1-5 KW range...MUCH BIGGER/Heavier than what we hams are used to, and 
probably with that weight, a very high reliability factor.  I often ran into these, sitting on an old barn or shed of a BC station that obviously had not bee touched for years.

Is it likely that properly approached, a connection could be made by QRO oriented hams, with the local chapters of the SBE, and friendly trades or good deals could be made for those needing QRO parts?
A shame to see such good stuff laying gathering dust....

All the Best, Pat Barthelow,
 AA6EG   aa6eg at k6bj.org   Skype: sparky599
Jamesburg Moon Bounce Team

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