[Amps] 4-1000A Featured [well... seen] on National Television

Norman Hockler sanorm at columbus.rr.com
Sat Dec 13 15:14:04 EST 2008

Looked like a4-400 to me

Norm N8NH

At 12:06 PM 12/13/2008, Pat Barthelow wrote:

>Interesting Network news clip last night,  a news interview of Ron 
>Gettlefinger, President,
>of the UAW re the Big 3 disaster news...in an otherwise barren 
>office background,  a
>prominent object in view;  noticed by some, was a pretty 4-1000A in some sort
>of wooden mount on top of a cabinet...
>I wonder if Gettlefinger is a ham?
>All the Best, Pat Barthelow,
>  AA6EG   aa6eg at k6bj.org
>Jamesburg Moon Bounce Team
>"The most exciting phrase to hear in Science, the one that heralds
>new discoveries,  is not "Eureka, I have found it!"    but:"That's 
>funny..."  ----Isaac Asimov
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