[Amps] looking for a transformer or two

James Hickox jameshickox at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 17 23:00:52 EST 2008

Hello all,
I am looking for a couple of matched 110 volt primary transformers.  I am hoping for a secondary voltage of around 950 to 1200 volts, again matched.
Otherwise, a 220 volt primary at the same secondary  voltage listed above will be fine.
I plan to use the transformers in a dual 3-500z amplifier, but build the HV supply so that it can drive something bigger, so amperage for the two transformers also needs to be above 1.5 amps is possible.
So folks, dig in the junk box and let me know what you have, and what you want for it.
(I wonder if Santa has two plate transformers from a couple of SB-220's!)
James, AA5AO

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