[Amps] High voltage wire

EP Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Thu Dec 25 11:09:19 EST 2008

Hi Ken,

That is an EXCELLENT tip...!

What I do here whenever I work on my amp / p.s. is to install / remove each of the cables one at a time, and then trace the ends of the cable I'm working on before connecting them. Only when the first is confirmed & installed, do I proceed to the second...

So far my mental capabilities haven't deteriorated to the point wherein I may forget what I did moments before --- thus far! --- so I'm still alive & well to talk about all this, Hi Hi.

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David C. Hallam 
  To: kenw2dtc 
  Cc: EP Swynar ; Jan Erik Holm ; amps at contesting.com 
  Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2008 9:15 AM
  Subject: Re: [Amps] High voltage wire

  kenw2dtc wrote: 
VE3CUI wrote:  "I even dispense with the Millen HV connectors, & instead, 
  PL-259 connectors / SO-239 receptacles to inter-connect the RF deck with 
remote high-voltage power supply"
I used coax connectors years ago in the 2000 vdc days, and painted the male 
and female connectors with my wife's red fingernail polish, to distinguish 
between the regular RF cables.

Ken W2DTC 

Amps mailing list
Amps at contesting.com

  I have always used RG-8 coax, not foam, for HV wire.  I use HN series coax connectors.  They are a little pricey if you buy them new but I manage to find a sufficient supply by scrounging around in the miscellaneous boxes and ham fests.


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