[Amps] drake l-7 power supply

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Thu Dec 25 11:44:10 EST 2008

"If my memory is correct the 0.8 ohm or whatever is part of the metering 
circuitry, not a glitch resistor"

Glitch in the memory banks, Barry.  Drake used a .82 ohm 2 watt resistor in 
series with the high voltage lead.  It was desgined to act as a fuse.  The 
problem is that if you are driving the amp with 100 watts and the "fuse" 
blows, then the grid is dissipating full power.  The impedance may change 
somewhat so that the driver will foldback, thus saving the grids - but I 
would not depend upon it.  If you are using tubes with fragile grids, the 
grid then becomes the fuse.

73,  Colin  K7FM 

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