[Amps] High voltage wire

Missouri Guy n0tt1 at juno.com
Thu Dec 25 22:13:31 EST 2008

> "I even dispense with the Millen HV connectors, & 
> I have always used RG-8 coax, not foam, for HV wire.  I use HN 
> series 
> coax connectors.  They are a little pricey if you buy them new but I 
> manage to find a sufficient supply by scrounging around in the 
> miscellaneous boxes and ham fests.

Some years ago one of the "standard" SO239 coax connectors
would short out the HV supply at the Amp.  Then I switched to the HN
of connectors with RG-8 solid....never a problem after that,
but THEN I discovered WHY the SO239 was shorting out.  It
had a hair-line crack in it!  I think a standard SO239 (in good
would have been OK to use for the voltage I was running.

Charlie, N0TT

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