[Amps] Tube Advice Needed

Hsu hsu4qro at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 06:46:29 EST 2008

  I have some NOS 8877s in my another house, Made in China. if you want it, I can test these tubes in next week.$300,shipping  add $20.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Rushing" <crushin2000 at austin.rr.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:45 AM
Subject: [Amps] Tube Advice Needed

> Hi All,
> I'm new to this list so forgive me if I've missed the appropriate thread.
> Recently I purchased an Alpha 76A (3-holer) without tubes.  My intent was to
> convert it to a pair of 3C(P)X800A7 tubes, but so far I haven't been able to
> find them at anything less than breathtaking prices if at all.  While
> pondering alternatives I ran across numerous 3C(P)X1500A7s for sale in the
> $200-$300 range.
> Does anyone have any experience with or advice on converting this amp to one
> 3C(P)X1500A7?  I realize it would require a socket replacement, but
> shouldn't require an additional filament transformer.  It seems that a .1
> ohm or so resistor in the filament line should drop the voltage down to the
> required 5 volts.  Does this seem doable or am I way off base here?
> 73s & Happy New Year,
> Chuck
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