[Amps] Looking for fan information
John E. Cleeve
g3jvc at jcleeve.idps.co.uk
Wed Feb 13 11:18:02 EST 2008
I would suspect that the fan was originally intended for use with natural
gas heating systems, since that is how the Precision Fans company was listed
prior to their take over by Smiths Industries.......John G3JVC.
-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Patrick Egloff
Sent: 13 February 2008 15:53
Subject: [Amps] Looking for fan information
Hi All,
A friend of mine gave me a new squirrel cage fan for which i can't find any
information even with Goooooogle...
I suppose it's an old production, but it has never been used... and i badly
need one for my 2m amp project !
So i would be mostly gratefull if somebody has some infos about this fan :
Witney Oxon England
Code n° : FFB 0205 004
The motor is made by MYCALEX MOTORS and has part number L9-24-048.202, it's
a 230V 50 Hz.
Unfortunately, applying the required voltage makes the motor only vibrate.
Putting a 4uF capacitor in series did not help...
Any idea, any help ?
Thanks in advance,
Patrick Egloff - TK5EP
email : pegloff at gmail.com
Fax : +33 826 698 954
Web page : http://tk5ep.free.fr
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