[Amps] #10 Teflon Needed

jeremy-ca km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sun Feb 17 13:14:36 EST 2008

Im sure that #12 will do whatever you are trying to do, that size is readily 
available as mentioned by others.

However at that DC level even short lengths of #14 are overkill. If you plan 
to use the wire to go to a remote xfmr I wouldnt use Teflon as it has a bad 
habit to cold flow when bent. There are plenty of 10-20KV wires that would 
be a better choice.

The 3-500 is generally OK to 3.5KV altho some Chinese and older Eimacs will 
arc. Its best to hi-pot anything at that voltage level.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "schuetzen" <chasm at texas.net>
To: "jeremy-ca" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>; "Amps Amps" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] #10 Teflon Needed

> jeremy-ca wrote:
>> Huh?
>> What does #10 wire have to do with a SB-220 which has 8 filter caps BTW??
>> You lost me somewhere.
>> Carl
>> KM1H
> I guess that I never posted my thread to this list about my fully modded 
> amp which HUMMMMMMSSS  LOUDLY! when I switch it from CW to SSB.???  pegs 
> the meter on HV, runs 2.9 on CW.
> iow, I have the Peter Dahl El GRANDE!!!  transformer apparently which came 
> with this harbach/measures upgraded amp.  Two more caps should pull it 
> down so that the meter will work. or so I have been told although it makes 
> little sense why it should.  however, I assume that the tubes will handle 
> 2200 watts???  right now, on 75m, I can tune into my Cobra Sr on CW with 
> about 1300-1400 watts.
> I have a set of new caps which are the little oil cans which i need to 
> glue to some thin wood and then wire them together.  not sure what kind of 
> wire i need though.  I am such a dweeb when it comes to this considering I 
> built a few kits when i was a 10 yr old kid.
> any suggestion for the wire?  source?
> thanks
> chas
> k5dam

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