[Amps] Warrior power amplifier

jeremy-ca km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sun Feb 24 20:33:35 EST 2008

I forgot to mention that the 811A and 572B quit being zero bias above 1250V 
for the 811A and around 1500V for the 572B. In the SB-200 the operating grid 
voltage is around -3V, when that bias is removed the tubes have a tendency 
to take off rather dramatically.

If you use a zener for bias then you must provide some means of supplying 
full cutoff voltage when in standby.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Lyles" <jtml at losalamos.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2008 8:08 PM
Subject: [Amps] Warrior power amplifier

> In addition to Carl, KM1H's, suggestions:
> You shouldn't need step start with this, unless the power transformer 
> became much stiffer, heavier. The choke will resist a major current surge. 
> Also, if you do get rid of the choke and only have C, it will need to be a 
> lot more Capacitance, and will probably need step start to protect the 
> diodes during chargeup.
> I wouldn't recommend mucking with the parasitic suppressors unless they 
> failed. 811 and 572B aren't as hot in the VHF gain department as some 
> other glass triodes.
> The zener bias is a good idea. As for grounding the grids, short 
> connections to chassis are usually a good thing, unless Heath did 
> something wierd. If the thing has neutralization, you may have to re-set 
> that as it would probably change with different inductance from grid to 
> ground.
> Someday I am going to get my Heathkit Chippewa KL1 working, I finally got 
> the original KS1 power supply for it. The amp was hacked up by someone and 
> I just need to trace the wiring and understand the mods (fixed screen 
> power supply instead of string of VR tubes and dropping R). Now that was a 
> stout Heathkit power amplifier!
> 73
> John
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Allen Jones" <w9dz at yahoo.com>
>> To: <amps at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 9:47 PM
>> Subject: [Amps] Heathkit HA-10 Warrior
>> >I am in the process of refurbing a Heathkit HA-10
>> > Warrior amp.  I have looked at some of the old threads
>> > dealing with this amp and have a couple of questions.
>> >
>> > The 866's will go in favor of plug-in solid state
>> > replacements.  Am I going to end up with a lot of
>> > extra B plus?  The power supply is choke input to a 8
>> > Mfd capacitor.  Would a step-start circuit be of any
>> > value or will the choke be enough to limit the surge?
>> >
>> > Are the original parasitic chokes sufficient or should
>> > I replace them with something different?
>> >
>> > This amp has had two plate transformers fail for the
>> > previous owner.  He used the amp on RTTY. I got a new
>> > transformer from Heyboer and asked them to build it
>> > for CCS.  The vast majority of my operation will be
>> > SSB. I plan to scrap the fixed bias supply and go with
>> > a zener in the center tap of the filament xfmr in
>> > series with a high value resistor which will be
>> > shorted with a relay in transmit.  I will ground the
>> > grids of the 811's directly to the chassis with heavy
>> > braid or copper strap.
>> >
>> > Any other suggestions?
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