[Amps] Tubing needed

LA7SL Nils P. Pedersen la7sl at online.no
Thu Jan 3 15:15:28 EST 2008

What about :
 break system tubing ( for cars)
gasoline tubing ( for cars )
(oil tubing for small heaters/furnaces)
all these items are sold in small quantities
I buy it from my local motorsport store, along
with a lot of other items that I use in my amps
and antenna construction.
Maybe not 100% pure copper, but 100% good
for our use.
Peter LA7SL

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ANTHONY JAPHA" <tjjapha at earthlink.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 8:08 PM
Subject: [Amps] Tubing needed

>I haven't found a source, locally or on the web, for 3/16" copper tubing 
>needed for a short coil.  I need about 2 feet total.
> Any ideas about a source?  Or an easier to find substitute material?  1/4" 
> tubing is easy to find, but not easily bendable.
> Tnx and 73,
> Tony, N2UN
> tjjapha at earthlink.net
> EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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