[Amps] questions about hi pot tester

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Thu Jan 3 16:26:29 EST 2008

Related to ham radio stuff, how, though?


If you want to hipot things like 8877s and 4-1000s and such, you'll need
more than 6kV.  Ditto goes for HV connectors and HV cable assemblies and


But 2200V would be sufficient for AC primary stuff, AC power cords and
connectors, etc.







From: Commander John [mailto:crazytvjohn at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 12:18 PM
To: Steve Katz
Cc: Amps at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [Amps] questions about hi pot tester


The application is to ham radio related stuff. Not commercial.  I do not
know what I may need to test in the future, so I do not know what to get
in a tester.


john w9zy

Steve Katz <stevek at jmr.com> wrote:

	What's the application?
	A lot of off-the-shelf hipot testers for consumer electronic
	stop at 6kVdc (because that's the limit of the requirement for
	compliance testing on a 240V circuit) and that's not nearly high
	voltage to test, say, a high power transmitting tube.
	Are you looking to do compliance testing, which requires a
	ramp time, dwell time and leakage limit? Or just to see where
	flashes over? How high a voltage?

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