[Amps] questions about hi pot tester

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Thu Jan 3 18:15:13 EST 2008

I use an old Associated Research Inc. model 2250T which they haven't
made in some years now...but it's not so different from their current
77xx family of hipot testers.  It does include the automatic ramp and
timer which you probably don't need but is a requirement to comply with
some U.L. safety testing and such.


Picked mine up at a surplus sale at Northrop locally about 7-8 years ago
for $150.  I think new it cost around $3K!




Steve WB2WIK/6



From: Commander John [mailto:crazytvjohn at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 3:08 PM
To: Steve Katz
Subject: RE: [Amps] questions about hi pot tester


What unit are you currently using Steve?

john w9zy

Steve Katz <stevek at jmr.com> wrote: 

	For hipot testing HV stuff like power tubes, HV connectors, HV
cables and such, I'd use at *least* 10kV, and frankly >10kV (e.g., 15-20
kV) is better.


	A good 4-1000A for example will hipot just fine at 6kV even if
it's on its last leg.  I think I recall an Eimac applications note
indicating a recommended hipot would be at 8kV or higher.




	Steve WB2WIK/6



	From: Commander John [mailto:crazytvjohn at yahoo.com] 
	Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 2:29 PM
	To: Steve Katz
	Subject: RE: [Amps] questions about hi pot tester


	How much voltage does one need? 
	Steve Katz <stevek at jmr.com> wrote: 


	But 2200V would be sufficient for AC primary stuff, AC power
cords and connectors, etc.







	From: Commander John [mailto:crazytvjohn at yahoo.com] 
	Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 12:18 PM
	To: Steve Katz
	Cc: Amps at contesting.com
	Subject: RE: [Amps] questions about hi pot tester


	The application is to ham radio related stuff. Not commercial.
I do not know what I may need to test in the future, so I do not know
what to get in a tester.


	john w9zy
	Steve Katz <stevek at jmr.com> wrote:

		What's the application?
		A lot of off-the-shelf hipot testers for consumer
electronic equipment
		stop at 6kVdc (because that's the limit of the
requirement for
		compliance testing on a 240V circuit) and that's not
nearly high enough
		voltage to test, say, a high power transmitting tube.
		Are you looking to do compliance testing, which requires
a stipulated
		ramp time, dwell time and leakage limit? Or just to see
where stuff
		flashes over? How high a voltage?



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