[Amps] Bill Orr comment

John Becker johnb3030 at comcast.net
Wed Jul 23 16:52:02 EDT 2008

amps-request at contesting.com wrote:

> I was reading the Bill Orr handbook and on his section about amplifiers he  
> says.....A properly designed grounded grid amplifier should produce 2 to 2.5  
> times the plate dissapation of the tube  in output.  He did not put  any 
> limitations on the statement as to IMD or anything like that.  He did  not say if 
> the tubes ratings would be surpassed (I am sure they would), but I  think what 
> he was saying is that the tube should continue to make power to 2 to  2.5 times 
> it's dissapation before it would not make any more power and flatten  out.

Bill Orr's writings go back a long time. Does the article in question 
say what class of operation he is talking about? Up until the mid to 
late '50s, Class C designs were common, and they are higher efficiency 
than Class AB. Class C was fine for CW or RTTY, but unusable  for SSB.


John, K9MM

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