[Amps] Fwd: Re: Bill Orr comment

Mike noddy1211 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 24 22:04:53 EDT 2008

I know, just making a point that the tube will easily do more than 1500
watts, as the other guy stated.  I am more than happy having that tube
running at 1200 watts and hopefully lasting for a few years that way.

I am sure the IMD plots would look wonderful at 2600 watts SSB:-) I would be
the only station on 17 meters.

By the way Karl, I was going to buy a spare tube and I see some for sale for
around 600 bucks, but they are imports, I guess Chinese, are they as good as
my Eimac 8877 original?


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl [mailto:km1h at jeremy.mv.com] 

Not unusual since it is seriously overdriven. Id love to see the IMD plot on

SSB at the same power.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike" <noddy1211 at sbcglobal.net>
To: "'Amps Reflector'" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Fwd: Re: Bill Orr comment

> My Al-1500 (8877) will do 2,600 watts into a dummy load key down on 17
> meters with 100 watts of drive as measured on an LP-100.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> Bill Orr was hardly a quack. Very knowledgeable and nice guy, met him
> several times over the years. An 8877 will get pretty darn close to 2 X. 
> It
> was used in at least one 2.5 KW commercial FM transmitter that I know of 
> and
> by FCC rule the transmitter had to be capable of 110% rated power (2750W).
> And that is CCS!
> 73's
> Chuck
> W6RD
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <k9mk at flash.net>
> To: "Commander John" <crazytvjohn at yahoo.com>; <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Fwd: Re: Bill Orr comment
>>     I can't speak to todays class of ceramic tubes but in the 70's I 
>> built
>> a number of 3-1000Z amps.  The rule of thunb for a well designed AB amp
>> was 2:1, output power vs. dissipation.  So, yes I agree with the Orr's
>> "rule of thumb" here.  The 3-1000Z typically did 2:1 RF out 80m-15m but 
>> it
>> did require a well thought out RF deck.  I will not name names here but I
>> saw a dozens of what I call stressed 4-1000A amps that made it to the
>> 2.5:1 ouput ratio.
>>    It is probably related to the manufacturers design but I have never
>> seen 3KW from an 8877 or even 1600W from a 3CX800...  Either something is
>> being lost in translation or it kinda makes you wonder about the claims
>> surrounding our modern ceramic tubes...
>> 73's    Mike  K9MK/5
>> -------------- Original message from Commander John
>> <crazytvjohn at yahoo.com>: -------------- 
>>> Commander John wrote: Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 10:23:38
>>> -0700 (PDT)
>>> From: Commander John
>>> Subject: Re: [Amps] Bill Orr comment
>>> To: Peter Voelpel
>>> Who is this "quack" guru?
>>> john w9zy
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w9zy
>>> Peter Voelpel wrote:
>>> 2-2.5 times the dissipation is normal.
>>> Assume 1500 out, at 70% efficiency that is 643W dissipation,
>>> 1500/643=2.33.
>>> Eimac claims 75% efficiency on their 3CX3000A7 datasheet in AB2.
>>> 73
>>> Peter
>>> -----Original Message----- 
>>> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] 
>>> On
>>> Behalf Of Gudguyham at aol.com
>>> Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2008 18:30
>>> To: amps at contesting.com
>>> Subject: [Amps] Bill Orr comment
>>> I was reading the Bill Orr handbook and on his section about amplifiers
>>> he
>>> says.....A properly designed grounded grid amplifier should produce 2 to
>>> 2.5
>>> times the plate dissapation of the tube in output. He did not put any
>>> limitations on the statement as to IMD or anything like that. He did not
>>> say if the tubes ratings would be surpassed (I am sure they would), but 
>>> I
>>> think what he was saying is that the tube should continue to make power
>>> to 2
>>> to 2.5 times it's dissapation before it would not make any more power 
>>> and
>>> flatten out.
>>> Upon speaking with an amp "Guru" about this subject, he procalimed that
>>> Bill Orr was a "QUACK". The basis of his claim was that he was never 
>>> able
>>> to build an amplifier that obtained that kind of results.
>>> What say you? Lou W1QJ
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>>> FanHouse Fantasy Football today.
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>>> .... Commander John ....
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