[Amps] Damage?

Roger (K8RI) sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Fri Jul 25 15:26:26 EDT 2008

Pete Smith wrote:
> Actually, this may not be as farfetched as all that - if I remember 
> correctly, some late-model cars are now using ethernet for their data 
> communications between the computer, various sensors, and various 
> actuators.  I have no clue as to the degree of built-in EMP protection, 
> particularly in vehicles with plastic body panels, or the potential effect 
> of RFI.
And we all start running the legal limit on 2.3 Gig mobile, or they 
drive by an EME station?<:-))
There have been problems with RF *from* cars (The early V6 in the Cab 
Forward Chrysler products on 147.00 were particularly bad) and a number 
of the manufacturers have a limit of 100 watts for transmitters in the 
cars or the warranty will be void.

Probably the "new stuff" will be better than the older and particularly 
the early computers in cars, BUT you never know what each will do until 
it's out, or this could be a case like BPL where they figured the 
density of hams was insufficient to cause *enough* problems to be a 
problem for them.
This will be interesting as there is a LOT of 2.4 Gig stuff already out 
there that has been designed to "boost the distance" (didn't say it was 
legal) and I wonder what will happen with those and the cars using Wi-Fi 
driving by?  Of course if there is a ham antenna near by we'll probably 
be the first target "of interest"

I'd not want to purchase a car that used Wi-Fi for any critical function 
whether I wanted to run a ham rig in it or not.

As to the Prius, you can run 100 watts on HF *in* one  or 50 watts out 
on 144 and 440 . At least I have with no problems and that's a much more 
intense RF field than 1500 watts from 70 feet. Actually I also have my 
40 Meter sloping dipoles about that distance from where we park the cars 
and have had no problems in over two years. I too am running an old 
Alpha 76A as well as the new Tokyo Hy-Power HL1.5Kfx.  BTW, just 
remember when running a ham rig in a Prius they have a battery about big 
enough to start a lawnmower<:-)) so don't forget and leave the rig on.


Roger (K8RI)

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