[Amps] Transformers
Manfred Mornhinweg
mmornhin at gmx.net
Thu Jun 19 12:54:45 EDT 2008
Hi Bryan,
> Years ago, I needed a transformer to use with "An RF Proof 30-Amp
> Supply" from the ARRL Handbook (http://www.dd1us.de/Downloads/an rf
> proof 30 amps power supply 1_0.pdf). I already photoetched the
> control board and fabricated a chassis and had an otherwise dead HV
> transformer of sufficient core size. So, I gave rewinding it a try,
> using 8 AWG magnet wire instead of the miles of hair-thin wire. I
> obtained the wire from a motor rewinder. It works great!
Good! Old version of the Radio Amateur's Handbook had a chapter devoted
to rewinding power transformers, and so in that time many people did it.
Without any good explanation, this section was deleted from more modern
editions of the Handbook. It's a pity.
> That's REAL cool, Manfred. Kudos to you! You can operate Field Day
> high power w/o having to refuel a noisy generator or run batteries
> dead... and get an extra 100 bonus points for natural power! hi
That's right! But I have never participated in Field Day. It's possible
though that in the future my Radio Club's contest station, XR6T, will be
set up here at my place, for CQWW and similar events.
>> If anyone wants my Excel spreadsheat to calculate transformers, I
>> will be glad to send it by direct e-mail.
> Why not post it on your website for everyone to have?
I will do that soon. I intend to write an extensive web page about
practical transformer construction, and there I will cinlude the Excel
sheet. I just need a few tons of time!
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