[Amps] amp schematic drafting?

Martin Kratoska martin at ok1rr.com
Fri Mar 7 22:29:19 EST 2008


you can try Kicad. It is free and it is also a complete suite for PCB 
design in Orcad style. There are versions for Linux and Windows (I'm 
using the Linux one). Many libraries and worldwide support exists. Go to


They have also a support forum at Yahoogroups.

Martin, OK1RR

Paul Kelley N1BUG napsal(a):
> I hope this isn't too far off topic...
> Can anyone recommend free or low cost software for drawing tube 
> amplifier schematics? I have been searching for some time but 
> haven't found anything with a component library well suited to this 
> purpose (often missing are such things as variable caps, 
> potentiometers, tubes, relays, switches, and other parts common to 
> amps). Or do I need to make my own component library to do this?
> Many years ago I had built my own component library for some old DOS 
>   'paint' type program, which worked well enough. Sadly a series of 
> stupid actions on my part resulted in loss of those files long ago.
> 73,
> Paul N1BUG
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