[Amps] FS: GS-35b's, socket and Vacuum variables

Gary - N3JPU n3jpu at speakeasy.net
Sat Mar 8 12:06:39 EST 2008

Parts for a 6M Project amp based on AL-1200 using a GS-35B. I started this
project by gutting the AL-1200 of none essential sections ,which was mostly
everything but the HV section. But as it happens we have had some major
developments happen that will impact my station. The state of Maryland has
decided that they want to take our house under Imminent Domain. This was a
new change in direction that caught us off guard. The good news is the state
has done well by us, but there will be a lot of work in moving and replacing
the tower and shack that will take me off the air for a while and change my

Here is what components I have left that are for sale:

Two New GS-35B (with original packaging). $115 ea

One New W4ZT teflon GS-35B socket, this thing is a piece of art.
http://socket.gs35b.com/chimney/index.html  $160

Used Comet Vacuum variable Plate and Load caps (3-30pF and 40-200pF). These
were Hi-Pot tested when I bought them. $7 for the 3-30pF and $90 for the

Plus shipping from Maryland.

Pictures available at my website under "For Sale".

Gary Mitchelson
N3JPU Montgomery Co. MD  FM19

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