[Amps] For Sale: Peter Dahl plate transformer

James Owens chipnw0o at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 20:43:52 EDT 2008

For Sale:  Peter Dahl plate transformer
  Primary: 230V
  Secondary: 1400V @ 1 amp. continous commercial service
  size: 7 1/2" long X 6 1/4" wide X 7" high
  weight: 30 pounds
  $250 plus shipping costs.
  This is a new transformer purchased several years ago for a project that I never built. It has been stored indoors in a dry closet and is in excellent condition-ready for that new project.
  Buyer pays shipping costs. I prefer payment with money order from the US post office but will also accept a personal check. Sorry, no paypal.
  Thanks, Chip  NW0O

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