[Amps] Need source of connectors and/or cables for Yaesu FT-1000D-to-FL-7000 rig

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Mar 20 03:27:15 EDT 2008

DIN connectors are available from the usual suspects -- Newark, 
Allied, etc. 

One VERY important caution. The usual ham sources, as well as 
Mouser, etc. sell cheapo imitation DIN connectors that it is 
virtually impossible to solder to. Go for the better quality stuff 
from Switchcraft and other real connector mfrs. A lot more money, 
but they work. 

If you want the cheap ones that don't, I've got a bunch that I 
bought from RF connection that you can have for what I paid. :)


Jim K9YC

On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:36:13 -0400, David J Windisch wrote:

>R&L, the local Y-dealer, was unable to supply.
>Any other help out there, please?

>Tia & 73, Dave, N3HE
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