[Amps] mounting (UHF) RF powermodules

pfizenmayer pfizenmayer at qwest.net
Sun Mar 23 11:44:56 EDT 2008

Forgot to mention , If you cannot find the EB's I can scan them out of an 
old MOT data book DL110.

Carel , If this module is a ceramic substrate or even a soft substarte with
smll ceramic carriers , on a copper slab or some other sort of slab of
powdered metal -  Google Motorola Engineering Bulletins EB8 and EB107. EB8
addresses MOT UHF power modules  , EB107 has a lot of info on that type
mounting on heatsinks . Bottom line is make sure the surface is FLAT and
will stay so over temp and don't constrain the ends - use Belleville or some
sort of conical washers to keep pressure but don't keep it from being able
to move with thermal expansion.

(I co-wrote the EB107 and EB8 years ago !)

73 de Hank K7HP

> Anyone could point me to some resources describing the best way to mount 
> RF
> powermodules for UHF use (like the Toshiba RA13H4047).  ?
> Did googled around a bit (found a Motorola patent, 5546275) and studied 
> the
> datasheet, but still not satisfied how to establish both good thermal and 
> RF
> (UHF!) connections (in an easy way....) when using these modules on a flat
> surfaced heathsink.

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