[Amps] SB220 "A" mods

chasm at texas.net chasm at texas.net
Fri Mar 28 10:51:03 EDT 2008

Lee Buller wrote:
> I've always felt the 220 could use better shielding or something.  Mine was always a TVI generator for some reason.  I don't know if it was something I was doing wrong....bad TVs in the area....but it would generate a lot of TVI.  My Ameritron doesn't seem to do that.
>  Lee - K0WA

my PC and speakers, etc are about 3 feet away on a separate circuit 
from the SB220 and I often have to unplug the speakers because I can 
hear myself thru them in spite of my Heil headset.

I have considered getting a GI steel trashcan and lid and suspending 
the amp inside it - I guess that if I had an ALS500 like remote head 
for it, I would have already tried it.

any less radical suggestions?  I assume we do want a grounded faraday 
cage surrounding the amp, don't we??? <G>
73 de chas

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