[Amps] 3 phase HV transformer using 240 single phase

Richard Sisson wa4mif at yahoo.com
Sun May 4 16:52:11 EDT 2008

Hello all, 
  I have a 3 phase transformer that a ham told me it could be used to power my amp.. Here is what the tests revealed,  under test, only voltage available was 120 volt, so it was tested with that, now this transformer has 3 seperate coil windings, and several input voltage ranges from 208 to 245 volt primary, he took one wire from the 2 of the windings and applied 120 volt, one the secondary side, the 2 wires yeilded about 3300 volt AC, this transformer is rated @ 7000 AC volts so on 120 volt thats about right, he used the 240 volt tap on the primary, but only applied 120 volts, follow me so far, he also said that I would have to use a bridge design since there is no center tap, the 2 wires from the 2 coils would be the HV to the rectifiers. Can this be used to power a pair of 4-1000's without any problems from the transformer under load. I know this is out of the normal for a transformer, but I was looking for about 8 to 9 KV on the plates of the amp.  BTW, he said the 3rd
 winding and its wire are not used and can be taped up.
  thanks, Richard

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