[Amps] The quality of Chinese 811A and 572B

Hsu hsu4qro at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 22:20:42 EST 2008

Hello ,Guys!
   When I became a ham operator in 1992, I often heard some  complaint about the quality of Chinese 811A and 572B.Yeasterday, My friend  and I  call the manufactorer  and talk with the engineer about this, they are very surprise.As a engineer, they seodom to  communicate with the user,due to the handicap of language and culture etc.Some standard was different with the West.For example, Chinese 811A's Plate dissapation only have 40W and with thin plate.If it run 60W Plate dissaption,the life will be very short.
 Well, They decide to increase the tube  quality in next year. They ask me to send this information here, and want to hear all the complaint especialy  come from the tube amplifier's  manufacturer  about the 811A and 572B,They want to make good winning like Chinese 3-500Z.
  Thanks in advance!

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