[Amps] High SWR

Paul Young paul at g0hwc.com
Fri Nov 21 16:09:14 EST 2008

I own a Alpha 87a and a Alpha 76a

In the user manuals they both give a patch lead size to go from radio to amp.
The 87a says you should use the supplied 72" lead
The 76a says you should use as short as possible "no longer than 2 1/2   to  3ft"

not a clue why ?

Paul G0HWC

> The Palstar AT-Auto Tuner disables the exciter's internal ATU function, do I have to add a 'tuned' the length of coax between exciter and >amplifier or should my Alpha be happy?

Check out my website  www.g0hwc.com / www.sstv.org.uk    *Echolink node MB7ICL-L  "381900"*

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