[Amps] Looking for information on a centrifugal fan NBC-M20B-1

Johannes Trabert aa3ze.jft at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 27 12:24:10 EDT 2008


I've got a (vintage) centrifugal fan which I'd like to use for an
amplifier project.  Unfortunately I don't have any datasheet or
information like CFM on this fan.

What I can read on the specification plate is:

          Manufacturer: Rotating Components, Bay Shore NY

          115 V, 50/60 Hz
          3300 RPM 0,8 A
          1.0 MFD/ 330 VAC CAP.

Can anyone help me with more details like CFM on this fan? Or
maintainance hints?

Thanks a lot!

73's de Joe AA3ZE

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