[Amps] 3-500Z glitch resistor

Missouri Guy n0tt1 at juno.com
Mon Sep 8 19:13:32 EDT 2008

> True - but the arc will continue until the applied voltage has 
> dropped to quite
> a low voltage, which without a crowbar, means that the resistor will 
> in effect
> dissipate the energy in the capacitor bank, and providing the 
> resistor can
> handle the peak current for the fraction of a second while the 
> capacitor
> discharges then all will be well. 

FWIW, and right or wrong, I've used ordinary 1 or 2 Amp 3AG fuses 
in the HV lead to an amplifier to protect the tubes.  Of course one would
use an ordinary chassis mount fuse holder!!  I placed the fuse inside 
the "sealed" power supply interlocked cabinet near the HV output 
connector.  It worked when needed!

Charlie, N0TT


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