[Amps] 3-500Z glitch resistor

Chuck Lewis n4nm at knology.net
Tue Sep 9 02:23:27 EDT 2008

> Harbach recommends a single strand of #32 or 36 wire create a fusible
> link, in series with the current limiting resistor.  Makes sense -
> inexpensive with big potential returns!  A recommended source of this
> wire being a single strand from a computer disk drive ribbon cable - we
> all have those lying around!
> 73 Kevin K7ZS

Similarly, the Drake L-4B (and L-7) supplies use a 0.82 ohm fusible resistor 
in the HV line as a "glitch" resistor. When mine blew, it was a relatively 
benign event. A "Real Glitch Resistor" in series with that (thanks, VE7RF) 
would limit the surge current while the fusible resistor does its thing. 
Harbach and other sources have equivalent fusible resistors.

Chuck, N4NM

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