[Amps] 234v - to convert or not?

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sun Sep 14 21:45:21 EDT 2008

Thats high but not unheard of on a 120V line as it depends on the total 
length from the breaker.

Since 240V is a simple process, go for it. Drop should be around 350V 

Id also check the filter caps to be sure they have formed properly, even 
NOS deterioates. Use the amp for about 1/2 hour and then shut off, pull 
plug and discharge the HV. Feel the caps, they should be barely warm to 
the touch.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Bessler" <kg0wx at hotmail.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 8:09 PM
Subject: [Amps] 234v - to convert or not?

> I just picked up a NOS Yaesu FL-2100B. I used to own a TL-922A and for 
> that I
> installed a dedicated 234v line in the shack. My 117v lines are a 
> little crowded
> so I was thinking about converting the FL-2100B to 234v to use the 
> line that the
> TL-922A used to use.
> When I key the new amp, the plate voltage drops from 2,350vdc to about 
> 1,800vdc
> with the current 117v stock setup. I'm worried about the drop.
> So, should I convert the Yaesu to 234v operation? It would not be that 
> hard for me
> skills wise and like I said, I *do* have the outlet......
> Ken KG0WX
> 73 de Ken KG0WX - Kadiddlehopper #11808,
> Flying Pigs #-1055, Grid EM17ip
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