[Amps] 1/4" shaft connectors
Bob Maser
bmaser at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Sep 27 10:42:57 EDT 2008
That's like buying a 4 wheel drive pick up truck, trailer, a couple of chain
saws, and 10 acres of wood lot so you could heat his home with a wood
burning stove. A friend of mine up in Western NY state did that and had
$50,000 invested in the venture. At the time it was costing him about $1000
in heating oil per year. The second year he did this, he had a chimney fire
and had to replace his chimney pipes and redecorate his family room. Whatta
Bob W6TR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Gondos" <pgondos at hotmail.com>
To: "k7fm" <k7fm at teleport.com>
Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] 1/4" shaft connectors
> Collin:
> Saving money????
> Laying aside $45,000 instead of paying $800 a year!!!!!!! You could go 56
> years just paying for the electric.> From: k7fm at teleport.com> CC:
> amps at contesting.com> Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 20:58:06 -0700> Subject: Re:
> [Amps] 1/4" shaft connectors> > You can also make 1/4" couplers in a few
> minutes with a lathe. In fact, > you can make a whole handful of them.> >
> Saving $9.00 on a coupler is a great reason to spend a couple of thousand
> > dollars on a lathe and accessories. I use justifications such as this to
> > buy all sorts of tools. I bought my own milling machine so I could make
> my > own $40 telegraph key. A $400 air compressor saves you from having to
> spend > a quarter to pump up your tires.> > Saving money is a passion of
> mine. I just put out $45,000 for solar panels > and lots of hardware all
> over the garage to save about $800 in electric > bills each year.> > 73,
> Colin K7FM > > _______________________________________________> Amps
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