[Amps] Can someone ID this tube and its use ?

k7rdx k7rdx at charter.net
Wed Apr 1 19:36:24 PDT 2009

Several years ago I bought a few surplus Y-448 tubes made by National. They 
were close to my standard 4-1000A`s in performance at HF,however,the 
filaments drew around 30 amps (per tube) as compared to the 4-1000A `s 21 
amps.I ran a pair at 7kv and they played exceedingly well on 80 meters...As 
I recall,the plate structure was also more robust than an Eimac 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Lyles" <jtml at losalamos.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 7:05 PM
Subject: [Amps] Can someone ID this tube and its use ?

> >From the photos, it looked like the glass was stained brown. Is this the 
> >case or just the camera/lighting? If so, then it is probably a tube that 
> >(like 4PR1000) ran very high voltage, and the darkening is from 
> >continuous Xray bombardment. It would have run under oil in that 
> >condition, most likely. Is there any scent of oil or residue under the 
> >base?
> Jim Tonne, are you sure about Tom Yingst? He was at RCA/Lancaster for 
> years during the development of many tubes, but I thought his tenure at 
> Eimac was shorter and that the Y designations preceeded him there. There 
> were plenty of Y numbers for their developmental and special tubes that 
> were for sole use by a particular customer also.
> 73
> John
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