[Amps] Help needed with: driving TITAN 425s with K3's

David J Windisch davidjw at cinci.rr.com
Tue Apr 21 05:21:25 PDT 2009

Hi, all concerned:

I'm about ready to retire the old FT-1000D's in favor of Elecraft K3/100's, after having done enough (for me) A-B testing.  Do give me a shout direct if you'd like to ask about that.

The last issue is driving the TITAN 425s (pair of 3CX800's):  amp input VSWR, which the yazoomer ignored, is high enough that the K3s reduce their output power, to the point where I can't get the usual gallon-and-a-half out of the amps, while still drawing "too much" collector (drain?) current.  40M is particularly bad.

It doesn't look like the TITANs have adjustments on their tuned inputs.  Seems nothing is ever so simple as the Drake/Heath/etc amps.

Before I start swinging the headache ball at the amp structure, anyone have any simple fixes out there, please?

Tia, 73/DX
Dave, W8FGX

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