[Amps] Dentron Clipperton QRO Manual:

ATigercav at aol.com ATigercav at aol.com
Wed Apr 22 02:29:35 PDT 2009

I bought a Clipperton QRO in 1984; just about the time they  became 
available.  It is pampered, as all my equipment is, and for the  years I've had it, 
it has few hours of use.  I have the owner's manual, the  10M Mod. sheet, 
this is an easy mod, don't be frightened by it.  
I completed the mod in July of 84, after about a week of  getting the amp.
If you like, I can scan the manual, and mod sheet, which was  just a stack 
of papers stapled together, not a bound book, and make it a WORD  document.  
Please Just let me know  Andy,  KA4CTD
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