[Amps] Junk Connectors

ny9h ny9h at arrl.net
Thu Apr 23 12:18:16 PDT 2009

At 12:18 PM 4/23/2009, Jim Brown wrote:& Bill, W6WRT wrote:
> >Amphenol only for me.  &
>When I got back on the air about 5 years ago after a long absence, I

yep    hamfests,,,,,the best place to get connectors,,,,,

1.   used amphenols  from that guy's pile of parts for $6
2.  surplus good connectors still in the brown wrapper with the 
contract # on them

even the new amphenols come from the far east....
i'll bet they met their stringent requirements... "right"

It took me a while but I found a vendor who sells 4 piece BNC 
compression connectors for RG8X ...that actually fit,...as i try to 
use bnc for everything below 500 watts. Most bnc connectors don't 
properly fit Rg8X.

Jim it seems more than 5 year you went west "young man"...
   from Bill who is sitting on top of a 1400 foot hill in western PA..
   (high atop  west penn )

I've got to add that reading this reflector has added a ton of 
clarity to reading Maxwell's old QST SWR articles,,,,

to you all.....Tnx for the lessons

bill  ny9h

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