[Amps] S W R

James Bloomfield rn23crna at windstream.net
Fri Apr 24 16:47:22 PDT 2009




    O K now let me see if I understand this forward/reflected power as
it applies to a 'high' S W R. 


    Say I am transmitting 100 watts into a 3 element yagi monoband 20
meter beam. 


    I have 100 watts leaving the transmitter and carried to the driven
element of the beam via high quality coax.  The watt meter says I have
100 watts out. 

I have a reflected power of 10% therefore ten watts are being
reflected down to the transmitter.  Now the transmitter Pi L network
re-reflects that 10 watts back to the antenna.  Now then in the next
instant I have 110 watts going into the antenna (100 watts + ten watts
reflected that goes back to the antenna) so 10% is reflected so now in
the next instant I have 110 watts out to the antenna.  Well it seems
to me that if I keep this up I will NOT have to turn on the Amp.
Because in just a few instances I'll exceed the legal limit for
amateur radio and should get a 599 report from every station I


    Gentlemen, A very good friend, amateur radio operator with a very
modest station who has confirmed contacts with every DXCC recognized
country, told me after a club meeting that contained "the usual
rancor". Amateur radio is a hobby and when it is not fun get another



    Jim Bloomfield 

    On the Suwannee River 

    Recovering from the recent flood. 

    I have extra water if anyone wishes. 

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