[Amps] Simpson 260 question

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Tue Aug 4 06:50:54 PDT 2009

Good engineering would not have included the 5KV range. That was driven by a 
specific large order customer request and marketing. There is a difference.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <K1SG at aol.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 2:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Simpson 260 question

>A little more information for the thread...
> The Simpson260.com site does have specs for most versions of the meter, 
> but
> does NOT quote specs on the 5000 volt range for any of these models.
> There are thousands of older Simpson 260s still in service.  However a
> call to the factory brought this chilling response:  Simpson no longer
> supports any version of the 260 earlier than Series 8.  They will not 
> service,
> calibrate, supply manuals, parts or ANY information about them, except  to 
> say
> that they pose safety issues, and will not elaborate beyond that. I 
> believe
> that they want to see them all go away for liability reasons. In fact,
> their Series 9 260s have a maximum voltage rating of only 600 volts.
> I think that SM0AOM described the problems attendant with high voltages,
> and Simpson's reluctance to accept liability for HV accidents, but I'm
> disappointed that instead of working to resolve the issues, they chose to 
> avoid
> them entirely. This is rather like putting a speed governor on car engines
> to  prohibit going faster than 20 MPH, because everyone knows that fatal
> accidents  are more likely at higher speeds.
> Sounds like Simpson's latest design was performed by lawyers, rather than
> engineers.
> Steve  Gilbert
> K1SG
> K1SG at AOL.com
> 508-435-9133
> FN42fe
> In a message dated 8/3/2009 11:53:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> amps-request at contesting.com writes:
> Message:  1
> Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 16:03:31 EDT
> From: TexasRF at aol.com
> Subject:  Re: [Amps] Simpson 260 question
> To: K1SG at aol.com,  amps at contesting.com
> Message-ID:  <cc3.4ea03164.37a89c93 at aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="US-ASCII"
> Steve, the 260 is a fine VOM but, it is old and the  calibration can't be
> trusted until it is checked with proper  equipment.
> The resistors change value with age and who knows what  damage could have
> occurred in the past due to operator error  etc.
> 73,
> Gerald K5GW
> In a message dated  8/3/2009 2:17:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> K1SG at aol.com  writes:
> I have a  Simpson 260, Series 5. What I don't have is the  manual for  it.
> What  I'd most like to know is what accuracy  it's rated for on the 5000
> volt
> scales, both AC and  DC.  I believe the meter is rated for 2% of  full
> scale
> accuracy up to 1000 volts DC and 3% on AC, but I haven't  been able  to
> track
> down a number for the HV scales.
> Your   help, as always, is  appreciated!
> Steve
> **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 
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