[Amps] I need transfer switch information
sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Mon Aug 10 01:37:01 PDT 2009
But what's with the 3PDT switch? I simply ganged two main circuit
breakers and fed the inputs to the outputs. That's the same way the
commercial one was built I looked at. I basically switch the whole house.
I switch both sides of the 220. the ground and neutral normally tie to
the same spot in the service box and that is the only place they tie
together. Otherwise ground faults wouldn't work.
Charles Harpole wrote:
> Hey, watch out... u will be powering the
> whole grid if not careful.
> Seriously, what about using an automatic
> change over that also starts the generator.
> I have seen nice units that do this and
> cost can not be a factor if you really
> want to do this.
> Charles Harpole
> k4vud at hotmail.com
>> From: kenw2dtc at comcast.net
>> To: amps at contesting.com
>> Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 01:37:19 -0400
>> Subject: [Amps] I need transfer switch information
>> I would like to switch out two circuits from my main panel to an emergency generator with a manual transfer switch or a contactor. I've sketched out a circuit that will do this even when the main panel is live and I will need a 3PDT switch.
>> Lots of information on the internet about transfer switches except what's inside the box. Does anyone know the model number of a transfer switch that is a 3PDT ?
>> 73,
>> Ken W2DTC
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