[Amps] 240V Outlet

David C. Hallam dhallam at rapidsys.com
Mon Aug 10 05:30:04 PDT 2009

Here is a question about the NEC code.  Is it legal to have more than 
one branch circuit in a single switch box?  One time I was installing a 
new garbage disposal.  The switch for the disposal was in a box 
containing 3 switch.  The other two were for lights.  As it turned out 
the disposal was on a separate circuit from the lights.  I found out 
when I hooked up the wires to the new disposal.  I connected the hot 
wire and when I started connecting the neutral, the disposal started. 
Fortunately I had not touched any bare wires.

I guess the moral in this is to check all the wiring in a box before 
doing any work.


Gudguyham at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 8/10/2009 1:25:07 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> garyschafer at comcast.net writes:
> Even if  there is #12 wire at the breaker and at the outlets, there may be a
> feed to  another circuit (light fixture maybe) that is fed off that circuit
> with  #14. It is not legal to do so but as Jim says some guys do just that
> kind  of thing. Those 15 amp breakers were probably put there for a reason  
> so
> make sure of everything that is fed by them before changing them to  20A
> Absolutely correct!
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