[Amps] GS-31B

Thomas Hoeppe thomas.hoeppe at asamnet.de
Fri Dec 4 21:59:20 PST 2009

Hello Dave!

The inner structure is 100% the same. The GS35b cooler is from copper, 
mounting in a cone. The GS31 has diecast cooler, mounted on the flat top 
surface. You can use a GS31 cooler on a GS35, but not vice-versa! If you 
need a more flat tube, cut a GS35 down. The cooling behaviour is much better 
with heavy copper head!

Tom, DJ5RE

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David H Craig" <davidhcraig at verizon.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 5:18 AM
Subject: [Amps] GS-31B

>    Has anyone checked out / built a GS-31B amp?  Based on the spec sheet 
> and tube dimensions, they appear to be a GS-35B with an inferior anode. 
> Not having handled a 31B I can't tell for sure, but I am betting the anode 
> coolers are interchangeable.  Anyone have any input on this?
>    73 Dave N3DB
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