[Amps] Conservation of Energy!

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sun Dec 6 07:25:04 PST 2009

Bless the ARRL and FCC for opening the flood gates of incompetence.

Thats a goodly part of the reason I rarely operate HF SSB, except for a new 
country, and spend most of my carbon credits on AM and weak signal VHF and 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Colin Lamb" <k7fm at teleport.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Conservation of Energy!

>I was listening a few moments ago in the Extra Class section of 40 meters 
>and two US hams were talking about amps.  One has an amp wired for 120. 
>The other ham said that he would not even think about running an amp on 
>120.  The reason was interesting.  The ham said he used to run his amps on 
>120, but with the cost of power these days, he could no longer afford to 
>run it on 120, at double the power cost.  Wait, it gets better.  The other 
>ham said he had not thought about it, but that made sense and he would 
>change over.
> I turned the radio off and made breakfast.
> 73,  Colin  K7FM
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