[Amps] Chinese DIN connectors

mikea mikea at mikea.ath.cx
Thu Dec 10 11:48:39 PST 2009

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 02:28:50PM -0500, Roger wrote:
> Ryan Foster wrote:
> > The din connectors I got were pretty cheap, kind of hard to work with-- it
> > was really easy to melt them when you are trying to solder wires in.  You
> > can't really find any good ones out there though, so I would just order a
> > few extras in case you melt one or two.
> >
> > Besides the products being what you probably already expect being Chinese,
> > they are a pretty decent company, and I will order from them again.  I don't
> > remember if the dins were xtar, but at the time I got them, the ones I got
> > were the only din connectors for whatever pins # I needed (for an ft-897 and
> > ft-857, I can't recall how many pin those are, but they were mini-din.  I
> > would imagine full size din would be no problem whatsoever.)

> For the 897D I purchased some Apple printer cables from Amazon (6' and 
> 8' IIRC). I think all three cables cost less than $9.00. I cut them to 
> length and basically ended up with two out of each one.  The other end 
> needed to go into a different size connector any way.  The cables were 
> considerably cheaper than the connectors alone from Mouser. They are 
> "mini-din" which takes some real hunting to find.

For my 857D and 897D, I first took apart some old PS/2 keyboards, being the
cheap bastard I am. Not all keyboard cables are satisfactory: in some, one
or more pins on the mini-DIN plug have no wire connected. Since I had quite
a large stockpile of old keyboards and mice, it didn't take long.

Later on, I found a place in Oklahoma City (Synergy) that sells double-male
mini-DIN cables with all the contacts wired up; those only cost something
like $6 for a 9' cable IIRC. One of the things I did with one of those
cables was build a little breakout box with a BNC jack for each signal.
That has, a couple of times, proved handy.

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
mikea at mikea.ath.cx
Tired old sysadmin 

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