[Amps] Russian Power Tubes

RICHARD GEORGE k6kwq at msn.com
Tue Dec 15 09:12:14 PST 2009

GS-35B is what you want

K6KWQ Dick
 Amps by "MORE POWER"
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MIKE DURKIN<mailto:patriot121 at msn.com> 
  To: amps fourm<mailto:amps at contesting.com> 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 9:05 AM
  Subject: [Amps] Russian Power Tubes

  Is there a list of Russian tubes by Plate voltage??


  I was looking at the GS-5B and was wondering if the Heater current was correct?? 27Amps ?? - thats a heap of power dissipated there -- 350W alone.... am i wrong??


  Im looking for a Triode that can run 3.8Kv and a filament of 12-14V ..


  I was looking here " http://qro-parts.com/russian_power_tubes.html<http://qro-parts.com/russian_power_tubes.html> "at the various tubes listed and the GU-48 is incorrectly linked to the GU-84b Pentode PDF.
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