[Amps] Russian Power Tubes

RICHARD GEORGE k6kwq at msn.com
Tue Dec 15 13:03:33 PST 2009

The GS-35B will run for ever at 4KV with no problems.  I have built dozens of amps for VHF and UHF using this tube and running 4KV+ on the anode. 

K6KWQ Dick
 Amps by "MORE POWER"
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bill, W6WRT<mailto:dezrat1242 at yahoo.com> 
  To: amps fourm<mailto:amps at contesting.com> 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 12:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [Amps] Russian Power Tubes


  On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 09:12:14 -0800, "RICHARD GEORGE" <k6kwq at msn.com<mailto:k6kwq at msn.com>> wrote:

  >GS-35B is what you want


  The original post asked for a tube that will run at 3.8 kV.... the max spec for
  the GS-35b is 3.0 kVDC. Don't be fooled by the "instantaneous value" spec of
  6.0kV. In normal operation the instantaneous anode voltage will swing from aprox
  zero to 2X the DC supply. If your DC supply is 3.8 kV, you will be exceeding the
  instantaneous rating. 


  73, Bill W6WRT
  Amps mailing list
  Amps at contesting.com<mailto:Amps at contesting.com>

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