[Amps] Russian Power Tubes

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Dec 16 04:32:37 PST 2009

> That's silly....we're talking about building ham radio amplifiers here, one 
> of a kind in most instances.  We're not concerned with specification 
> variability, production yields, tolerance stack-ups, etc.  This line of 
> reasoning may apply if you're Ameritron or Alpha but not if you're a 
> hobbyist wanting to build an amp for personal use.

   The oldest habits are the hardest to break.
   As the old woman said as she hissed her cow:
"Everyone to their own fetish."

   We also discus repairing old units, frequently with non-standard parts.
    Ron  KA4INM - Of what you see in books, believe 75%.  Of newspapers, believe 50%.
                  And of TV news, believe 25% --
                  make that 5% if the anchorman wears a blazer.

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