[Amps] Russian Power Tubes

texasrf at aol.com texasrf at aol.com
Wed Dec 16 09:10:04 PST 2009

A few of the VHF builders have removed part of the GS35B anode cooler to  
reduce the height. I have no idea how far one can go with this concept but it 
is  mucho larger than an 8877 by comparison.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 12/16/2009 11:02:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
patriot121 at msn.com writes:

And thats why im going this route  ...I have a Yokagawa P9306UL that i 
pressed into ameture radio service with  only minor issues really. Then one of 
the 3-500Z (emiac lot from 87) started  shorting to cathode after power up - 
now is constant - and needed replaced.  The cost of 2 3-500z compared to one 
GS-35b leads to the thought of using a  Russian tube. Seeing tht the GS-35b 
is almost one inch taller im not sure that  i can fit it into the 
compartment that the pair of 3-500z were in. Probably  some case cutting will be in 
order. I will get the calipers out and take some  measurements.

Other thoughts are using some Russian Tetrodes and just  ground the screens 
... might not work out - i read somewhere some time ago  that this might be 
a way to go due to cost.


> A lot of people here in Europe have built amps with the GS35B and I  hear 
reports of reliable operation with 4kv on the anode.  
> As Richard alludes, we're experimenters and if things go *BANG*  
occasionally it's no big deal, especially with $100 Russian tubes.  I  might find 
that the cost/benefit works out differently with a $1000 Eimac  tube, 
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL


> From: RICHARD GEORGE <k6kwq at msn.com>
>  Subject: Re: [Amps] Russian Power Tubes
> To: dezrat1242 at yahoo.com,  "amps fourm" <amps at contesting.com>
> Date: Wednesday, 16 December,  2009, 1:49
> Funny thing I worked as an engineer for 42  years.
> This is ham radio not space shuttle engineereing.
> K6KWQ Dick
>  Amps by "MORE POWER"


>    On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:03:33 -0800, "RICHARD GEORGE"  
<k6kwq at msn.com<mailto:k6kwq at msn.com>> wrote:
>   >
>   >The GS-35B will run for ever  at 4KV with no problems.  I have built 
dozens of amps for VHF and UHF  using this tube and running 4KV+ on the 


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