[Amps] water conductivity and hose length

Jim Tonne tonne at comcast.net
Sun Dec 20 19:15:00 PST 2009

The water filter does not need to be "in series
with" the entire flow path.  You can take just a
small amount of the water via a detour and run
that through a small filter.  The object is to
eventually run all the water through the filter
where stuff is trapped.  Perhaps every tenth
pass through the system a given little bit of
water will run through the filter and get cleaned.
I learned this while working on   *big*  shortwave

Eventually that filter will have to get flushed or
otherwise cleaned in some manner as K2LB

- Jim W4ENE

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Herzog" <herzog at frontiernet.net>
To: "Ham-amps" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 8:37 PM
Subject: [Amps] water conductivity and hose length

>I recommend that a water filter be installed along the 
> Get as small a particle collector as you want to afford. 
> This keeps
> severe crud from electrolysis, chemical interactions, and 
> impure water.
> My employer learned this after several thousand dollar's 
> failures.
> I recall a one micron filter; but it did not add much 
> pressure drop.
> Probably good to back-flush it every eon or so.  K2LB
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