[Amps] ALS-1300... IMD ??

Jim Thomson Jim.thom at telus.net
Wed Dec 30 03:19:01 PST 2009


I understand the  new ALS-1300 uses  8 x finals.     Are these  MRF-150's ??      At 1200 w pep out... that's   150 w pep out per device.      That's a bunch. 

What is the TX  IMD on this amp, when running full bore  at  1200 w pep out ??    I suspect it won't be good.   The ALS-600 is only -25db   

On a similar note,   I noticed that  the eff on my  1000-MK -v  is  aprx  50%... at 200 w out.       With power reduced to 100 w...... eff is down to 36%     

At 50w, it's worse still.  

I'm not impressed with the SS  finals so far.... eff wise.   

I wonder if this new ALS-1300.. or any of the existing  KW output  SS amps   have the same reduction in eff... when power reduced.   

Tnx......... Jim   VE7RF

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