[Amps] Henry console value

Donald Fox taurusshoguy at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 31 16:11:20 PST 2009

I do a lot of lurking here, but have to weigh in on this. 

I think Carl is thinking of the older Henry console amps prior to the Classic series. Admittedly, I am slightly biased having both a 2KX and a 3KX in the shack at the moment.

While the Henrys are big, low tech, and pricey for their time, they are pretty reliable as long as one takes care of them. I would not call them a contest amp per se, although I think a Henry can hang in there when compared with an equal specimen of another brand.

I find them (the consoles any) roomy and easy to work on. You won't throw one under your arm and trot off to Field Day with it, but from any location it will put out reliable power when and where you need it pretty much from 3-30mhz.

While a Henry console will not compare with an Alpha or other high tech modern amp when it comes to no tune up or quiet operation, I feel that they have earned a spot in ham radio history as a formidable amplifier that was in some ways ahead of its time. 

I think the use of a variable coil and fixed capacitors to be an interesting deviation from the standard Pi network that everyone else uses.

If I had the bucks, I would buy all of the Classic consoles I could get my paws on for less than a grand, and regularly see the 2K and 2KX consoles sell for $1400-1800.00.

The HV PS in all but the base 2K is capable of much more than a pair of 3-500zs could ever ask from it.

I know if my Henry blows up, I can repair it. I would not make the same wager with an Alpha, Emtron, or PW1, etc.



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