[Amps] Drake L-4 Power supply

Barry Kirkwood barry.kirkwood at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 12:56:12 EST 2009

Years back I bought a second hand L-4 with dried out filter caps and a tired
looking transformer.
Scrounged around junk sales and built a new power supply full wave bridge,
slightly higher plate voltage, much better regulation.
Also heavier and bulkier.
Benefits: marginally higher power output, and would expect cleaner signal
due to better power supply regulation.
Have seen articles where L-4 has been fitted with bigger tube, gather there
is enough headroom in the RF components for 1500w output.
As others have commented, with the existing tubes, little point in changing
things in search of higher power as difference will be marginal.
73 es gl
Barry ZL1DD

Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
barry.kirkwood at gmail.com
NZ: 021 160 8999
Thailand 081 235 1556

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